Generative AI

Harness the power of AI to make work better for everyone.

Employees crave (and deserve) a personalized approach to their employee experience. That’s why generative AI in Motivosity takes the inputs and activities you’re already performing to help guide the most impactful conversations and activities in the most personal way.

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Images of the Motivosity meeting management dashboard with a picture a man holding a laptop and smiling.

On-the-spot management training...powered by cutting edge AI

No more leaving meetings thinking “Well, that was a waste of time.” Coach Carl is your newest team member made to guide leaders through the right conversations that make the biggest impact. You’ll feel confident knowing your managers have an industry-leading development tool helping them create an unforgettable employee experience.

Image of Carl the Yeti
Image of a woman sitting next to a man pointing to a laptop screen.

Managers make or break the employee experience.

Did you know that 70% of the employee experience is based on the manager-employee relationship? That means there’s no person more vital when delivering an impactful experience to your people than your leaders. The first step to improving that bond? Have great 1 on 1’s. 

Generative AI makes that possible, even for the busiest organizations.

Image of a man sitting in a chair on his laptop.

Endless possibilities to build your culture.

AI has opened up a lot possibilities across the world, but the opportunity to help people be happier at work? That’s pretty great. Motivosity’s generative AI tool, Coach Carl, is built to provide personalized experiences to your teams that will make all the difference. 

Motivosity is investing in AI tools in all aspects of the employee experience. The benefits to help train managers will be felt throughout your organization immediately, and the enhancements to what employees see and feel about your culture will be a natural progression. AI will be the tool that takes your teams to the next level.

How Generative AI makes work better

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Saves Time

Whether you're managing a team of 1 or 10 - it takes time to prepare and deliver what employees need to be successful. Our unique platform data, combined with AI’s millions of data points, allows leadership teams to produce high impact, minimal effort interactions that employees actually want.

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Prompts Informed Action

You’d know if you’ve ever had a great manager. It’s more than training and past experience, it’s commitment and a reliable cadence of support. Managers need a sense of direction and what to do when unique challenges approach. We now provide the prompts to execute on the toughest leadership challenges.

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Encourages Performance

There’s nothing like an engaged manager to produce a high performing team. We’ve added generative AI to inform managers on what they can do differently to be their best. In Motivosity, we go beyond meeting summaries and take data from notes, priorities and participants, and provide suggestions for future interactions.

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Unbelievably Affordable

Ever paid 30k for a manager training seminar for your managers? We don’t recommend it. In fact, we’ve created training tools with AI built right into the platform so managers can get on-the-spot support at a fraction of the cost of a personal coach. In this case, results are actually easy to see.

Image of a man in a virtual meeting with a headset on.

Never feel like you came to a meeting unprepared.

Not getting the best results out of your once-a-month 15 minute check-in? We’re not surprised. Let’s help you create something better for your teams. Nothing beats a manager who cares enough to meet with their employees on a regular basis to understand where they’re at and where they’re going. Generative AI is now the catalyst to help employees never feel like their manager doesn’t care. 

Looking to prep an employee for a management role? Need to present a PIP? Or maybe someone is struggling to work remotely and still feel connected? From crucial conversations to promotions—it’s a tool that teaches your managers the right habits and it’s exactly what every team needs.

Image of a woman making notes while watching a laptop.

AI makes developing managers more affordable than ever.

As cool as Ted Lasso or Leslie Knope would be to train your managers, let’s be honest, it's expensive. And not to mention, one of the more difficult investments to attribute results. That’s why we've integrated AI into our platform (and kept it at the same low price). When thinking about ways to invest in leadership, a tool that provides on-the-spot learning opportunities every day and contributes to a better employee experience is a no-brainer.