Illustration of a laptop with connection points all over the world.

17 Ways to Connect Hybrid Employees


Provide a Personal Profile Page

Schedule Strategy Sessions

Support Peer Recognition

image with text - A great way to start a connection is to encourage peers to recognize each other for their great work.

Build the Watercooler

Implement Team-centric Goals

Follow Through With Feedback

Focus on Being Empathetic

Level Up Your Meeting Game

image with text - Be present in every way, regardless of how you meet. With your voice, words, tone, and body language say, "I see you." Avoid multitasking. Show up fully and show your concern for the team member 260 miles away.

Set up One-on-One Sessions

Upgrade Employee Resource Groups (ERG) Connections

Break the Ice With a Collaborative Game

Try RandomCoffee

Run an Onboarding Mentorship Program

Encourage Spontaneity

Acknowledge the Human Experience

image with text - Hybrid work environments need leaders and employees to listen, lead with empathy, and acknowledge the humanness in each other.

Use the Agile Management Process

Grow a Family-like Culture
