Illustration of a trophy with a banner that says Thanks on it.

How To Give & Improve Recognition At Work


Why show recognition at work?

image with text - Benefits of employee recognition: stronger employee engagement, better peer to peer communication, reduced turnover rates

How to give recognition at work

1. Listen to your talent

2. Make way for flexibility

3. Consider scaling over time

4. Use the three pillars approach

5. Find ways to implement rewards

How to improve recognition at work

1. Flexible spending

2. Peer to peer recognition

3. Equip your managers

image with text - Equipping management teams to work at their best is a great way to boost employee recognition programs from the top down. Use collaborative agendas and summary reports to better educate your greatest secret weapons (i.e. managers), incorporating feedback coaching into one-on-one communication sessions.

How to do it all with Motivosity
